Monday, September 22, 2008

The GuideBook To Breeding Swiftlet In Farming Houses

Latest book that I would like to recommend to all by blog readers.

The book is about 165 pages and written by a well known author named Dr. E. Nugroho of Indonesia.

Dr Nugroho claimed that after 7 years of studies and observations he came out with this book. He completed the book in 1996.

It contains detailed information on innovative techniques of increasing swiftlet population and nest production, management of flight routes in houses , determination of in and out holes and inter room holes.

A very comprehensive and is written in English laguage.

Title: The Guidebook to Breeding Swiftlets in Farming Houses.

Author: Dr. E. Nugroho, DVM

Price: Rm 75

Postage: Rm 7

Stock available and ready to be shipped.

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