Saturday, October 4, 2008

Service: Professional Advise !!

If you need to talk to someone about your dream BH or about your BH in problem call Harry.

The idea is to have a cup of coffee Harry and get him to explain all those things that you are not very sure about.

Good example about the history of swiftlet farming, the best design for a New BH, How to convert a shop house and etc.

There are lots of things that you can get direct from someone who will be very sincere and helpful.

All you need is to list all those queries that you have in mind and list them. Make it as long as you can.

Call Harry and post those questions one by one.

Cost: 1st hour 200 ringgit and subsequent is Rm 100.

Minimum is : 1 hour or part there off.

Many have gained from meeting him and there is no reason why you should not.

Prepare those list and call him now.